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Dynamic Color Data based on Color Principles
Enter RGB value or HEX value
You can get the color matching values of complementary color matching, triangle color matching, similar color matching, monochrome color matching, and rectangular color matching in color principle.
Dynamic color matchingbased on color principles
Complementary Colors Scheme:Colors that are 180° apart on the color wheel. For example, red and green, blue and orange, yellow and purple, etc. Such strongly contrasting colors, when highly saturated, often cause tremors and instability in the color of the space. When using complementary colors in indoor and outdoor decoration spaces, the relationship between color saturation and grayscale must be handled well. Complementary colors that gradually fade to gray are often the first choice for high-end designers' excellent works.
Triangle Colors Scheme: Any three equilateral triangles with an internal angle of 60 degrees on the color wheel, the combination of the colors of the three corners is a triangular color scheme. Even if low-saturation colors are mixed, triangular color schemes are a way to make the space vivid. Similarly, when designers use triangular color schemes to match space colors, they must choose one color as the main color and the other two as auxiliary colors, and coordinate the space effect by adjusting the grayscale.
Similar colors Scheme: Colors that are close to each other on the color wheel are called approximate colors or similar colors (color wheel center angle: colors within 30° around the target color). For the human eye, approximate color matching is the color matching closest to nature, calm and harmonious, and the most comfortable color matching method. When designers use approximate color matching in space, they must appropriately enhance the contrast to prevent the space from being too mediocre.
Monochrome Colors Scheme:The same hue and different saturation (depth) of color matching are widely used in traditional space color matching. Designers can determine 1 to 3 theme colors according to the overall color requirements of the space, and the remaining colors can be extended with single-color color matching according to the theme color. This is the principle of a maximum of three colors for theme space color matching. The color diversification of the space can be achieved by adjusting the saturation, grayscale and brightness of a single hue color.
Rectangle Colors Scheme:It refers to any combination of 4 colors with an internal angle of 90°. It can also be understood as a color scheme formed by two pairs of complementary colors. The connection of these four colors on the color wheel forms a rectangle. Compared with contrasting color schemes and split complementary color schemes, rectangular color schemes provide four colors. Designers often use one color as the dominant color and the other three colors as embellishments to make the overall space color better, while paying attention to the balance of warm and cold colors.
Dynamic Color Data based on Color Principles
Enter the RGB value or HEX value of a color and you can get a dynamic color schemes of its color principle (regardless of whether water-based paint can achieve the color)